Taka Maruno
Maruno graduated from Kuwasawa Design School in Tokyo. As an architect, he worked for world famous firms including Riki Watanabe, Shiro Kuramata, Shigeru Uchida, Aldo Rossi, and Akira Watanabe in Tokyo. As an artist, he studied under Beth Lipman at Urban Glass in Brooklyn as well as George Nama, Kathy Caraccio and Vincent Baldassano at the National Academy. He is a member of the Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop. Maruno has recieved numerous awards including the Col. Michael Jacobs Prize and the Ralph Wailer Exhibition Award, and he has shown his works at the University of Richmond Museum and at galleries in US, Australia, the Netherlands, Turkey and Japan.
Projects in Printmaking
Taka Maruno
Discover the creative potential of printmaking, starting with Monotypes and Drypoint and moving to more complicated techniques of Color Viscosity inking techniques. You’ll learn to combine technical skills and expression into works of art. This workshop is ideal whether you’re a beginner who wants to understand the process of making a print or someone who wants to improve their technique.
Techniques of Printmaking
Taka Maruno
Discover the creative potential of printmaking, starting with Monotypes and Drypoint and moving to more complicated techniques of Color Viscosity inking techniques. You’ll learn to combine technical skills and expression into works of art. This workshop is ideal whether you’re a beginner who wants to understand the process of making a print or someone who wants to improve their technique.
Large Prints
Taka Maruno
Create your image on a plate larger than full-size paper (22”x30”) that extends far beyond your imagination. Develop individual projects in mediums including monotype, drypoint, linocut, collagraph, carborundum, and chine colle. Just bring your passion and explore new ideas. All levels are welcome. Limited seats available.