

Welcome to the New York School of the Arts.

We are a school and a cultural center. Our humane approach and our love for art, together with our commitment to innovation and experimentation, enable artists to develop and realize their artistic visions – or simply enjoy the process of creativity.

At our school, you will feel at home as part of our close community of dedicated artists. They range from novices to professionals of all ages. As a result, the school is a dynamic entity, energized by programs that draw upon local and international resources and by a remarkably talented and dedicated faculty. We possess the vision and adaptability to remain aligned with an always changing art world.

The New York School of the Arts offers you the opportunity to pursue your path toward artistic fulfillment as part of a lively and supportive community. You will find among us a warm welcome and a friendly challenge to explore and express your creative passion.


Maurizio Pellegrin
Executive Director